Winter Tire Exemption: Why and How

If you’re in the process of shopping for winter tires, it’s best to act quickly: the deadline for installing them is fast approaching.

Indeed, in case you have forgotten, winter tires are mandatory on motorized road vehicles registered in Quebec, including those rented, from December 1 to March 15 inclusively. A fine of $200 to $300 is provided for drivers who do not comply with the regulations.

To be compliant, remember, a tire designed for winter driving must bear the mountain and snowflake pictogram or be equipped with studs (these are authorized from October 15 to May 1).


That said, there are several exceptions. These include heavy trucks, tool vehicles, agricultural machinery and motorcycles used as emergency vehicles. This is also the case for vehicles on which are affixed a removable registration plate (X plate) or a temporary registration certificate (transit), typically valid for a maximum of seven days.

Trailers and the spare wheel of vehicles also do not have to be fitted with winter tires. Ditto for newly acquired vehicles or at the end of the rental contract: a grace period of seven days is granted, but you must be in possession of the contract or a copy of it.

Winter Tire Exemption: Why and How

Finally, there are vehicles for which a winter tire exemption certificate is issued by the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) and its agents, including the eleven CAA-Quebec registration centres. This certificate is also valid for a period of seven days and no more than four can be issued for the same vehicle of the same owner from December 1 to March 15.

What are the grounds for obtaining a winter tire exemption certificate? Of course, one immediately thinks of drivers who use their vehicle to go outside of Quebec or return there, such as the many snowbirds. Others can be issued to put a vehicle back into circulation (disposal) or to terminate a rental contract (end of contract before term).

By the way, the service is free of charge and you can print the certificate directly at home or at the office, otherwise you can get it at one of the SAAQ service outlets.

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