Cédric Jubillar faced with his contradictions … on the frequency of his sexual relations with Delphine

Disappeared during the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, Delphine Jubillar planned to rebuild her life with a man nicknamed “the lover of Montauban” and had announced her intention to divorce her husband Cédric. But what about romantic relationships and more particularly sexual relations between Albi’s nurse and her husband before the tragedy? Ronan Folgoas, journalist at the police-justice service of Parisian, answered this question in the podcast Source code from Journal. “Cedric Jubillar claims to have maintained very episodic sexual activity, which he recognizes, unlike Delphine Jubillar when she mentioned her intimate life she only relateda relationship on Cédric Jubillar’s birthday, September 14, 2020. So there is a contradiction it is placed on the table.

Considered the number one suspect in this case, the 34-year-old painter – plasterer has been imprisoned since June 18, 2020 at Seysses prison near Toulouse for “homicide by spouse”. However, the man continues to proclaim his innocence since the disappearance of his wife and his lawyers denounce an abusive detention while no evidence would allow to establish the responsibility of their client in this case. Placed in solitary confinement, the father of Louis and Elyah (7 years old and soon to be 2 years old) is not entitled to any visits, has recently confided to be on the verge of psychological exhaustion.

As a reminder, the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal recently rejected this Monday, November 22, 2021, the request for the release of Cédric Jubillar, suspected of having murdered his wife Delphine. “It is certainly for the purposes of the investigation, he is being kept in detention.“, Alexandre Martin, one of Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers, told reporters.

Find the podcast, The night Delphine Jubillar disappeared, in its entirety on the Parisien website.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent until the final judgment of this case.

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