the former star of Secret Story evokes his desire for suicide on TPMP!

This Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Vincent Miclet took the floor on Instagram to announce the disappearance of his son Ayvin, the fruit of his love with the former reality TV candidate Ayem Nour: “Monday morning after dropping off my son at American school, his mother Ayem Nour in complicity with his mother FARIDA removed him from school without my consent and until the time when I speak to you we have no news from Ayvin, a complaint has been filed with the Moroccan authorities. My son is on Moroccan soil but I don’t know where… Anyone who can see him or locate him please let me know,” he explained in despair. A few hours later, the 57-year-old claimed that his ex kidnapped their child and is having a good time in Morocco. We recall that the young woman obtained custody of the six-year-old boy in France but that she makes regular trips to Morocco where Vincent Miclet lives, so that the little one can spend time with his father…

Ayem reacts live in TPMP
This Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Ayem Nour came out of silence live in TPMP via several audio messages which were revealed at the end of the program: “My relations with my ex-husband are chaotic. Full of blackmail, threats, dictatorship , psychological harassment. It’s been going on for years and I’ve been trying to keep a smile on my face to look good publicly,” she said.

“I haven’t slept for 4 days, I spend my life in the courts. He filed a complaint for child abduction, there is no abduction since I have custody and there this morning I discover that he also lodged a complaint so that I could not leave Moroccan territory”.

“I’m in a panic”
The 33-year-old mother continues by expressing her dismay: “As I speak to you, I am stuck in Morocco with my son because he does not want to return my son’s passport. He made a public alert on social networks so I can’t get out of my room because people take pictures of me without my knowledge I’m living a nightmare, I’m locked in my room, I’m in a panic, I’m afraid he’ll show up We come to blows. It’s very complicated, the laws here are not the same” she says.

“He is someone very important financially, moreover he is blackmailing me a lot with that by constantly telling me: ‘I am a man of power, I have an army of lawyers, I have a lot of money, you won’t measure up, I’m going to take the child away from you…'” declares Ayem Nour, assuring that Vincent Miclet is carrying out a personal revenge because she did not want to get back in a relationship with him after their last break-up.

Ayem Nour pushed to suicide by her ex Vincent Miclet?
“I’m scared for the future because I know he’s a procedural man who has a lot of contacts. I’m scared because even if I manage to return to France with my son, you have to know that it’s The proceedings and threats have been going on for 5 years. It’s psychological pressure and harassment, besides, I even wonder how I didn’t kill myself yet with everything he’s been doing to me for years. I don’t I can’t take it anymore! I’m exhausted, I just want to be let in quietly with my son…” she concluded on the verge of tears.


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