Business Forum | The “TikTokaction” of the employer brand in Quebec!

At a time when all HR projects are underway, an increasingly intriguing practice tends to accelerate.

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Manal Khales
Founder of Manali, the employer brand, marketing consultant and teacher, HEC Montréal

Indeed, more and more companies are active on TikTok right now in Quebec. It is estimated that in Canada, over 54% of platform users view and interact with advertisements that integrate with their News Feed.

These figures cannot leave brands indifferent.

This undeniably ingenious and formidable network with addictive attributes is all the rage among young Internet users. He is experiencing unprecedented success. Its older brothers, headed by Facebook, the dinosaur, are no match for it.

Did you know that 71% of TikTok users say the network has a greater impact on their lives compared to the rest of the networks and 79% of them say that the content they consume on the platform inspires them to try new things in their life?

These figures cannot leave brands indifferent.

This platform has found a winning combination. If you ask those who are there every day, they would tell you that it is accessible, intimate and free-flowing.

What is HR doing there?

Today, recruitment difficulties are forcing attraction strategies to be accelerated. Some shoot right and left, not knowing that they sometimes shoot themselves at the same time.

Indeed, more and more companies entrust the management of their TikTok account to a skilled person on the platform without any upstream strategy.

When questioned, they say they have to be everywhere to reach all targets and increase their chances of attracting as many candidates as possible.


The only strategy we detect on TikTok is to look “cool” as an employer. We want to give the impression that the work environment is fun, free, stimulating and dynamic.

A common example is employees dancing to trending music in the office. The video includes texts that explain the steps required to apply for a job within their organization. It’s like a living ‘career section’, but who is it for?

It is crucial to remember that before producing content on a platform, it is essential to have an upstream strategy. Otherwise, waste of time and money ensues. The key is in the planning. Planning is all about setting goals that respect the brand’s DNA. Even when publishing “spontaneous content”, it is important that it respects the codes of the brand.

A return to basics is essential to avoid tarnishing your employer brand, which has permanent fingerprints.

Under pressure and due to a lack of resources, recruiters agree to try everything to attract young workers.

Where is the problem ?

An action like a TikTok post without any strategy is like throwing a bottle overboard with a message. We don’t know who will receive it or if the message will be relevant to the person exposed to it.

In a positive scenario where the video would go viral and magically make its way to its destination, since TikTok presents this possibility, the image conveyed often has no connection to what is really happening internally.

This distorts the perceptions of those exposed to the messages and creates real retention issues later on.

Finally, a relevant employer brand has the role of connecting and inspiring potential candidates through an authentic identity structure to maximize the chances of attracting and retaining for the right reasons.

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