Star Academy: Léa at the origin of a lie, she reveals to have played with the production

Saturday, November 12, 2022 was broadcast the fifth bonus of the star Academy on TF1. It was once again two students who were eliminated at the end of the evening, namely Stanislas and Julien. Their comrades Anisha and Tiana were respectively saved by the public and the rest of the academicians. They are therefore now only six to continue the competition, the end of which is already fast approaching. Among them, we always find Léa, the young 24-year-old candidate with a fiery temper.

Since the start of the season, she has indeed had no trouble getting noticed, both positively and negatively. Whether it’s an “attitude considered detestable” during a prime or on the contrary one of her very hot and successful performances, Léa quite naturally attracts attention, which makes her an essential student. of the castle. And on social networks, she is as much appreciated as criticized. A good character therefore for tele-hook. However, Léa could have missed out on the adventure… if she had been honest.

I would never have believed…

Indeed, in the daily star Academy, Léa confided that she lied to the production to give herself every chance of being selected. “Me, I would never have believed one day to sleep with people. To pass the castings, I told them: ‘me, it’s my dream to get to know people…’ whereas it’s my phobia, it’s my obsession, like, brushing your teeth with people, having breakfast together… that’s my phobia“, she confided. And to continue: “I told them: ‘I really like discovering people’s passion’“.

If in the end, community life was not made for Léa, the latter quickly came to terms with it. So much so that today she finds this “great“.”You have to make friends, you will stay six weeks here“, she analyzed. Léa has forged very strong ties with her comrade Tiana, the youngest of the season aged 18.

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