people with disabilities are more often than others in long-term unemployment

Monday, November 14 opens the European week for the employment of people with disabilities. Despite the good health of the labor market, people with disabilities are much more often than others in long-term unemployment and many are losing hope.

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Although the employment figures have improved, even for people with disabilities, the observation remains the same: the unemployment rate for people with disabilities remains twice the national average. But when you look closely at the figures, as the APF France Handicap has just done, (Association des paralysés de France) there is reason to worry. Firstly because when they are unemployed, people with disabilities stay there much longer than others. 59% of them are long-term unemployed, ie for more than a year. The long-term unemployment of disabled job seekers is eleven points higher than that of the rest of the population. Their average unemployment registration seniority is 33% higher.

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This leads some people to become discouraged: APF France Handicap recalls that several studies have shown a tendency for some workers with disabilities to gradually withdraw from the world of work. They assume that they have almost no chance of finding a job. Some economists speak of “discouraged unemployed”.

In particular, a low level of qualification, difficult educational paths often lead to a level of initial qualification lower than the national average. Thus 68% of unemployed job seekers with disabilities have a level equal to or lower than a BEP.

Furthermore, the prejudices of employers remain strong. As highlighted by a study conducted by Agefiph, which organizes this week for the employment of disabled people, French employers still consider that hiring workers with disabilities is difficult. 74% of them are of this opinion. And this proportion is even higher in industry, where precisely, given their qualifications, disabled workers could find employment. People with a mental disability are even more excluded than others. Still according to the Ifop – Agefiph barometer, only 22% of employers consider that mental disabilities are easy to integrate into the company.

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