Health: life expectancy increases to reach 90 years


Article written by

F. Mathieux, C. Blondiaux, J. J-Buty, S. Lacombe – France 2

France Televisions

A recent survey has shown that our life expectancy now reaches 90 years for men and 93 years for women in France. But these numbers do not take into account what we will do with the planet.

A baby girl born this year may be centenary because in the future, there will be more and more. Coming into the world a few months ago, his life expectancy is 93 years and 90 years for a little boy born in 2022. Life expectancy continues to increase by two to three months each year thanks to advances in medicine and better nutrition. Women still live longer than men. men but the gap between the two sexes is narrowing.

A woman born in 1920 could expect to live ten years longer than a man, while a little girl born this year will only live an average of three years longer than a little boy. In question : female smoking. But these data must be taken with be careful because they do not take into account the impacts of global warming. “If we fail to adapt to climate change, there may be effects on life expectancy”says Gérard François-Dumont, demographer. With the effects of climate change, such as pollution, mortality may increase in unexpected ways.

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