Many failures in the professional examination of future nurses

Many future nurses failed their professional exams this fall. They find it difficult to explain the particularly low success rate at 51.4% and are worried about not being able to practice, while the health network is in short supply.

“I was insulted by my result,” says Kathia Robidas, 29, who was studying at Cégep de Sherbrooke and who failed her exam with 54%. The passing mark is 55%, which would have given him the right to practice. “During my technique, I never had a major flag up. In training, I was always told that I was competent and a good nurse. I’ve always had good results, I’ve always performed well,” she adds.

“I gave myself a lot for this exam,” she says, saying that the exam was “poorly built” and “poorly assessed our skills”.

Many of them asked the Order of Nurses of Quebec to lower the pass mark to 50%. “Everyone I know who has failed is in the 50 to 55% bracket,” says Kathia. Everyone is angry about the situation and some are thinking of changing careers.

The exam pass rate for graduates from outside Canada is also particularly low this fall, at 19.5%.

The duty had not yet spoken with the Order of Nurses of Quebec when this article was published online.

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