[Critique] “To kill time”, Adib Alkhalidey

Two years almost to the day after bursting into the world of song under the pen name Abélaïd (the album hearts of evil), the author, composer, humorist and performer Adib Alkhalidey reveals himself more frankly, and with a clearer musical vision, on his second album entitled To kill time. “Sad no matter what, because I love you,” he laments from the outset, on the title track; sad, he will remain so until the end of the album, despite the efforts made by his collaborators (including Mathieu Magny, co-director) and himself to give rhythm to his laments. The album gets off to a strong start, groove of Among these souls pushed by a very greasy synthetic bass line makes us nod. The rhythm becomes lighter on Celebrationand precious on the bare belong to you, one of the best among these ten new songs. The finale disappoints: the musician has a rich pen, but chooses to repeat his ideas on Among these menand we frown when we hear him shout a strange melody on Timeout.

To kill time



Adib Alkhalidey, The Tribe

To see in video

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