a new day of mobilization throughout France

Several thousand people mobilized again in several cities in France this Saturday to denounce gender-based and sexual violence. Demonstrations that echo the international day against violence against women this Thursday, November 25. Several thousand people had already taken to the streets last Saturday.

“We will not be silent any more” or “no more blah, deeds”, are some of the slogans seen this Saturday afternoon in the streets of Dijon, where 300 people mobilized according to France Bleu Bourgogne. In the procession, there were many young people but also a delegation to defend sex workers.

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Nearly 600 people marched in Bordeaux, from Place de la Victoire, reports France Bleu Gironde. In the songs, several references were made to accusations of rape or sexual assault that target Gérald Darmanin or more recently Nicolas Hulot.

Nearly 600 people marched through the streets of Bordeaux. © AFP
Thibaud moritz

After a torchlight march last Thursday, nearly a thousand people responded to the call of the Nous Tous collective on Saturday 27 November, Esplanade De Gaulle in Rennes. Colette, 19, defends at the microphone of France Bleu Armorique a “true education on sexuality, already compulsory in law but in practice, it is not applied”. The young woman would also like that the word of the victims is no longer called into question. “The percentage of false charges is not higher than for other crimes and misdemeanors.”

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Since January 1, 104 women have been killed by their spouse or ex-spouse, according to the count of the collective “Feminicides by companion or ex”. For the whole of 2020, the figure had reached 102 feminicides and 146 in 2019, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

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