will the RN chair a study group on anti-Semitism?

It is a list of study groups at the National Assembly shared on Twitter that arouses indignation. In this document on the letterhead of the National Assembly are listed a whole series of study groups. These study groups correspond to groups made up of deputies and responsible for ensuring legal and technical follow-up on specific themes (for example hunting, water, medical deserts, etc.). Except that next to the working group on anti-Semitism, in the chair column, is the name of the RN.

The President of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif) notably directly challenged the President of the National Assembly asking her to do everything “to prevent this“. The Licra and several deputies also rose up.

Arrested, the President of the National Assembly denied this information in a press release shared on Twitter. “This statement is false“, writes Yaël Braun Pivet, recalling “that no list, no creation, no attribution is recorded before the decision of the office of the Assembly” expected on December 7. Questioned Wednesday, November 9 on this subject on France 5, the president of the National Assembly even deplored the fact of having to speak “something that doesn’t actually exist“.

If nothing will actually be finalized before December 7, the RN is however a candidate for the presidency of this study group on anti-Semitism and a “pre-attribution” of the presidencies did take place at the end of a working meeting held on Tuesday 8 November. During this meeting, the presidents of the political groups were called upon to position themselves in turn on a choice of themes.

Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the RN and president of the delegation of the office of the Assembly in charge of the study groups, assures that the National Rally is the first party to have positioned itself on anti-Semitism.

Sylvain Maillard, who represented the Renaissance party at this meeting confirms. His party had initially chosen the themes of hunting and video games, thinking of then being able to add anti-Semitism among the twenty or so study groups that Renaissance had to choose. Hearing the RN quickly position itself on the theme of anti-Semitism, Sylvain Maillard however claims to have immediately expressed his opposition. Contacted, the deputy of the presidential party assures that it is“a red line” and that his group will oppose the RN having this presidency.

In summary, the list of study groups and their presidency is not yet final, its final version is expected at the beginning of December. The RN has positioned itself well to chair the study group on anti-Semitism, but negotiations and “trades” of presidency can still take place.

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