Star Academy: “Who’s Niaise?”, Big moment of loneliness very noticed for Tiana

The students of Star Academy have no respite. Filmed daily during their evolution within the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys, the class of 2022 continues their journey between singing, dancing, sports and scenic expression lessons in addition to weekly evaluations which put some students under stress. Apart from these pedagogical moments, the students live like in any boarding school. Affinities are created, participants get to know each other. And to share the dumplings!

If swallowing a dictionary is impossible, we would really like to read page N to young Tiana. The youngest of the competition offered one of the biggest TV blunders of the year during a breakfast shared with three of her comrades. In the morning, Enola explained to Tiana, Chris and Stan, between two spoons of cereal, to have “well discussed with Lea“the day before and having learned in particular that several thought it”stupid” seeing her disembark in the adventure.

Yesterday, I tell them, I’ve had a huge crash for 4 or 5 days, I’m tired, I’m in low spirits. Léa cheered me up and it veered off to ‘what was your first impression?’ and the two said to me ‘ah well you Enola, at first we thought you were stupid’. In stupid mode in a good way” explained Enola to his comrades. Chris wanted to know more: “Silly kind?” Nuance that has completely escaped Tiana.

I do not know. Who is Niaise?” she launched, thinking that it was an element of comparison with a person. Noting the exit of Tiana, Chris outright left the table giggling. If Enola tried to explain to him that it was not a first name but an adjective, the damage was done. Fortunately, Tiana did not take the kind teasing of her classmates badly. At 18, the young student can be certain of one thing: if she does not win season 10 of Star Ac, she will surely have the merit of being part of the new images of the blooper of the year.

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