the left does not intend to leave the field open to the right and the extreme right

The reception of the “Ocean Viking”, the idea of ​​residence permits in sectors in tension… Immigration is driving the debates and will continue to make people talk with the arrival at the start of the year of a government bill. In order not to leave a boulevard to the majority, to the right and to the extreme right, the left intends to take up this theme.

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The left wants to show already that it can talk about it, but above all that it knows how to talk about it, affirm its angle : that of the dignity of welcome, of integration. Use the word immigration, without taboo, but “without taking up the language and the theses of the adversary”explains an ecologist MP. “The left must have something to sayabounds a leading socialist parliamentarian, a clear, left-wing political discourse, which is not weightless discourse”.

This file has been neglected in recent years by the left, by the admission of a member of the Nupes : “It’s been ten years since we thought about all the subjects, including this oneaccording to him, that we no longer produce new ideas“This is why the PS is launching a major immigration project in the Assembly. : a working group which has been hearing since last week from universities, associations, foreigners’ rights practitioners, catering professionals also on the subject of undocumented workers. For another parliamentarian, it is necessary “put rationality back into the debate”to arrive “armoured” in the hemicycle to fact-check, verify and above all deconstruct the arguments of the far right live.

This line is shared by the four groups that make up the Nupes, but among the 151 deputies some are pushing for more firmness : “There are signals to send, the country is in a request for protectionentrusts us one of them, we must provide answers on security, immigration”. He is for example for a faster execution of the OQTF, the obligations to leave the French territory, to put figures on the table. He still wants to remain anonymous, proof that the subject is sensitive to the left.

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