Large families: A candidate victim of a serious accident, disturbing news and shocking photos

One of the candidates revealed by Large families, life in XXL (TF1) had the fear of his life. A few days ago, Teddy Beaufour (participant of season 1 in 2020) was the victim of a violent car accident. Hospitalized since, the 43-year-old father of a tribe of six children dreams of only one thing: to recover and find his family. But unfortunately that seems to be going badly.

It was Ophélie Beaufour (43) who revealed the sad news. Her husband was hit with “full force” by a vehicle last November 5th. “Teddy had a serious accident this morning. He was hit head-on by a motorist who veered to the left and at very high speed. We had the biggest scare of our life, but Teddy pulled through despite the severity of the accident and the shock. He had to be extricated from our minibus by the firefighters, because one of his legs was literally blocked and the pain was extremely strong.“, she revealed. Photos on which we could see their vehicle in crumbs were also revealed.

Then, on November 9, Ophelia again gave an update on the situation. Unfortunately, they were bad. Internet users have learned that Teddy suffered from problems in the hips in particular. “Teddy was transferred to Toulouse yesterday, because the results of his CT scan were not good. He not only has a loose hip, but also a fractured pelvis.“, she wrote at first. Her husband will therefore have to undergo an operation on a date which has not yet been specified. “For the rest, different scenarios are possible, depending on whether his body reacts well and if the pain is bearable with painkillers, but he will automatically remain bedridden for several weeks with a lot of rehabilitation. In the meantime, we are trying to organize ourselves so that the little ones (and the big ones too) see dad quickly because the separation is very complicated and the emotional shock is still very present.“, she continued.

Despite everything, Teddy keeps smiling. We can also see it in the photo shared by Ophelia. The father of the family is lying on his hospital bed, looking happy despite his foot in plaster and his small form.

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