Léa Salamé and Raphaël Glucksmann: their meeting should never have taken place

The vagaries of television are not only the scene of bad sequences. Sometimes, the programs see the beginnings of a love story being born before their eyes. While they are in the middle of an interview, Alice Taglioni and Laurent Delahousse fell in love with each other in 2012. Three years later, it was the turn of Léa Salamé and Raphaël Glucksmann to meet and fall prey to love at first sight in one of Laurent Ruquier’s shows, We are not in bed. This meeting was however on the verge of being canceled.

At the time, the attacks of November 13, 2015 in Paris had just taken place. In the aftermath of the tragedy, a debate takes place within France Télévisions: We are not in bed should it be broadcast or not? If Laurent Ruquier insists that the live be done, Léa Salamé is not really of the same opinion: “I had said to Laurent ‘We have to delete, we can’t do a We’re not in bed, we mustn’t be on the air’ and Laurent had insisted, had convinced the channel“, recalled the journalist in 2020 in We’re almost live. There were lots of artists, lots of intellectuals, lots of politicians who had come that evening for just 5 minutes to say nothing basically, just their sadness.“What she does not suspect then is that her future lover is among the guests.

Around the table, all minds are in a fog, or almost. A ray of sunshine seems to pierce the side of Léa Salamé and Raphaël Glucksmann for whom the charm operates despite the sad circumstances. A few hours earlier, however, they were far from imagining that happiness would knock on their door, especially the deputy: “I remember that on the evening of the 13th, we had a pot to commemorate my father. There were all his friends and they were humanitarian doctors. My parents lived right next to the scene of the attacks… All of a sudden, all the phones start ringing and they go downstairs to apply tourniquets.“These memories make him consider canceling his appearance on Laurent Ruquier’s show. A presence that he will not cancel in the end and that will change his life forever.

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