Twitter | Worried MEPs call for hearing Elon Musk

(Brussels) MEPs from the Renew Europe group (centrists) called on Tuesday for Elon Musk to be heard in the European Parliament, in order to “learn more about his intentions” and remind him of his obligations.

Posted at 11:16 a.m.

“While the precise intentions of the new owner of Twitter are not yet fully known, his statements and actions so far are a source of concern”, indicates the third group in the European Parliament in a letter sent to the president. of the institution, Roberta Metsola.

“There are good reasons to believe that the standards that have been Twitter’s until now could be weakened, at a time when the fight against election interference, disinformation and hate speech are more important than ever,” write MEPs in this letter signed by Vice-President Dita Charanzova and MEP Sophie in’t Veld.

The group is asking Roberta Metsola to invite Elon Musk for a hearing in the European Parliament to “remind him of his obligations under EU law and the 2022 code of practice on disinformation”.

“Whatever Mr. Musk chooses, our motto will remain: our continent, our rules. We must ensure that Twitter will continue to act against disinformation and hate speech, ”tweeted the president of the group, the macronist Stéphane Séjourné.

The richest man in the world took control of Twitter on October 28, after buying the social network from the blue bird for 44 billion euros. He immediately dissolved the board of directors, dismissed the leaders, before laying off about half of the 7,500 employees.

The libertarian entrepreneur advocates an absolutist vision of freedom of expression which risks, according to his critics, opening the door to excesses.

European Commissioner Thierry Breton warned Elon Musk just after the takeover of the social network that he should respect the European regulations on large platforms which have just been adopted.

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