“A very big announcement Tuesday, November 15”, promises Donald Trump

On the eve of the midterm elections, former US President Donald Trump has once again hinted that he will enter the race in the 2024 presidential election on Monday night, but he chose to make the suspense last until November 15.

Posted yesterday at 10:16 p.m.

The rumor that Mr. Trump confirms his intentions for the next presidential election, in Ohio on Monday evening, was already circulating on social networks. But at the end of his speech, he called on the thousands of Republican supporters gathered in Dayton to tune in to his Nov. 15 announcement.

Several media outlets had reported that the ex-president was toying with the idea of ​​trying his luck again to beat Democrat Joe Biden, and that an announcement would come in early November.

But in order not to distract from the midterm elections scheduled for Tuesday, Mr. Trump chose not to confirm this open secret on Monday evening.

Even if it will be necessary to wait one more week before obtaining the confirmation of the principal concerned, the pace of the speech of Mr. Trump had all the air of a speech of pre-election campaign.

After spending nearly two hours denigrating and insulting the work of the Democrats, he drew up a long list of things that are currently wrong in the country, ranging from health to the economy, including international relationships.

He ultimately called on Republicans to send a red wave across the country in Tuesday’s election to stave off potential alleged voter fraud, in addition to paving the way for a return to the White House in 2024.

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