“Even if they speak thirty years later, what’s the problem?” Elise Lucet defends the alleged victims of Nicolas Hulot

The last episode ofCorrespondent, relating to the Nicolas Hulot affair gathered more than 3 million viewers on November 25 on France 2. During an interview with Telerama, journalist Elise Lucet gave details about the production of her show and the investigative work of her teams. She also expressed her full support for the alleged victims, some of whom came to testify in front of the camera. “What we have touched on is the difficulty women have in speaking out when they are subjected to sexual assault (…) That these women be heard in the face of such a central figure in public opinion, this sends a strong message to many others and to society in general “, declared Elise Lucet to our colleagues.

The investigation began four years ago and was carried out in a submarine, before Nicolas Hulot got wind of it.We investigated in confidence, but Nicolas Hulot knew that we had been working on it for a long time. He started calling Virginie Vilar as soon as he heard about it, three and a half years ago. Then he contacted me a few months later “. The 58-year-old journalist was able to count on the support of Delphine Ernotte, president of France Télévisions. Thanks to this invaluable assistance, the journalists were able to protect the identity of their sources and continue their investigation. Not without some turmoil, since Elise Lucet mentioned “fairly strong pressure from lawyers and very lively correspondence”.

We wanted to respect the timing of these women

“Confidentiality was especially very important in relation to the witnesses. They trusted us, especially in Virginie, and there was a need to protect them and that their identities not come out. We made a commitment so that they would not suffer. no pressure, thatno attempt at intimidation cannot be exercised against them. It was crucial for us. It was a contract of trust between them and us, and we kept it to the letter. We wanted to respect the timing of these women “.

If the alleged victims were criticized for their late speech, Elise Lucet took their defense. “Even though they speak thirty years later and take four more years to testify on camera, what’s the problem?” As a reminder, a preliminary investigation was opened by the Paris prosecutor’s office in order to shed light on these accusations of rape and sexual assault against Nicolas Hulot.

Nicolas Hulot remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused.

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