Love is in the meadow: “My goal was not to find girls”, a farmer makes an unexpected revelation

I was told that the casting was already complete“, confided Jean. And yes, it is indeed the companion of Laurence – we will know during the balance sheet if love still rhymes with always for them -, currently at the heart of a scandal, who had already tried his luck in Love is in the meadow.

And then to explain to our colleagues Entertainment TV, why the adventure, two years earlier, could not be done with him. The casting director told him that he was obviously not ready to welcome a woman into his life. Which apparently is true. The father of three children has indeed confirmed: “I wanted to seduce the channel first. My goal wasn’t to find girls but for the chain to take me, I was focused on that.”

The second time was therefore good for the very discreet father. During his adventure, Jean decided to share his daily life with Nathalie, a fan of Johnny Hallyday and karaoke, and Laurence, a very shy suitor. With the short-haired blonde it was cut short but with Laurence, the story seems serious.

If Jean therefore has the particularity of not having been selected for the first time in the casting of Love is in the meadow, Thierry, the man with the expression that has become a cult “rogue of fate”, present in this season of the M6 ​​rural dating show, had the chance to welcome seven-year-old pretenders to his home twice. ‘interval. Unfortunately, this year again, he has not found love either with Remedios or with Sylviane.

But as it has been unveiled, the production has given him new letters .. just as he begins a rapprochement with a new woman. A named Mireille who had written to him precisely during his first visit to the program. “I went to Avignon, we got to know each other and I told her: ‘I would take you to the farm’ and she said yes. A week later, I went to pick her up, she spent the night, we ate… then I took her home the next day. But nothing happened!“, he reported. However, we know that they have already kissed. Case to follow so…

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