Christmas: craftsmen are already preparing the flagship products of New Year’s Eve


France 3

Article written by

J. Van Hove, France 3 Regions, F. Pairaud – France 3

France Televisions

Seven weeks before Christmas, the craftsmen are already hard at work, Sunday November 6th. Oysters, foie gras, gingerbread, chocolate… Flagship products require long and meticulous preparation.

Oysters, foie gras, chocolate… They have made a place for themselves at the New Year’s Eve table and everything is in play now. In Seine-et-Marne, a craftsman has planned to manufacture 20 tons of chocolate products. It is therefore better to get ahead. “It’s a new chocolate that is made from hazelnuts and caramelized sugar that we will make into a paste”explains Patrice Chapon, chocolatier. In the Channel, oyster farmers are also on deck. The first important step is calibration. They select the best oysters for the parties.

As for foie gras producers, the shortage of duck is already being felt. Because of the bird flu, stocks have never been so low. There are -30% of liver fat this year. “We will not be able to satisfy everyone at Christmas, it is not possible”reveals a producer. To make up for the lack, producers use females, despite their smaller size.

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