Qatar accused of having sponsored the espionage of nearly fifty personalities

According to the British media “The Sunday Times”, several personalities, including the former boss of UEFA, Michel Platini, have been targeted by hackers.

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Two weeks before the start of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, the Gulf country is at the heart of a new controversy. Usurvey published Sunday, November 6 by the British media The Sunday Times accuses Qatar to be at the origin of the espionage by hackers of nearly fifty personalities within the framework of the organization of the competition.

According to the investigation, journalists, lawyers, or even a French senator, Nathalie Goulet, have been the targets of hackers hired to protect Qatar’s reputation. These personalities have most often been targeted for their work or critical positions on the awarding and organization of the Football World Cup, which kicks off on November 20.

The former president of UEFA, Michel Platini, yet a great defender of the candidacy of Qatar, would also have been targeted. the Sunday Times ensures that this espionage would have occurred shortly before Michel Platini was heard by French justice as part of an investigation into suspicions of corruption in the awarding of the World Cup to Qatar. In a press release, Michel Platini said to himself “surprised and deeply shocked” by this information.

Senator Nathalie Goulet had for her part accused Qatar of financing “Islamic terrorism”. Among the personalities targeted by the group of hackers based in India are a journalist from the Sunday TimesJonathan Calvert, who had investigated suspicions of corrupt practices that led to the awarding of the event to Qatar in 2010.

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