Surrender to the cementeri, the latest mystery novel by Joan Ganhaire

The author

Joan Ganhaire (in French Jean Ganiayre) was born on May 21, 1941 in Agen in Lot et Garonne. Occitan writer, he uses the Limousin dialect. A retired doctor, he studied in Bordeaux before settling in the Périgord countryside, where he became aware of his Occitan identity. His first collection of short stories “Lo Reirlutz” was followed by a second, “Lo Viatge Aquitan” who won the Jaufré Rudel Prize in 2001. He explores many literary genres: the fantastic, the detective novel with “Sorne Trasluc” and the swashbuckling novel with the saga “Dau vent dins las plumes” followed by “Las Islas jos lo sang”. Studied at university (“Lo darrier daus Lobaterras” was one of the works on the CAPES d’Occitan program in 2009), he is considered one of the major writers of contemporary Occitan literature. In addition to her work as a writer Joan Ganhaire, makes voice recordings in the Limousin dialect to produce a book-cd for the CAP’OC but also for the latest Novelum book: Dialògues occitans lemosins by Gilbert Borgés

I like to make readers travel through invented universes but close to our reality. J. Ganhaire

His latest book “Rendez-vous au cementeri”

See you at the cementeri – Joan Ganhaire © Radio France
IEO Editions / Novelum

Sent on a special mission by the investigating judge Rosalina Lavernha, Alexandre Darnauguilhem must leave his Maraval police station to follow in the footsteps of Antòni Klemeniúk, says the Polak, recently released after twenty years in prison for the attack on an armored van filled with jewels, in order to find the treasure in question.
In his investigation, he will cross paths with Count Gaëtan Cahuzac des Ombradors, a former commissioner and private investigator – whom readers of the Surveys of not creire know well – for an appointment at the cemetery.

You can get this book on Novelum’s online store

Agenda of Occitan events in the Dordogne

  • Saturday November 5: Salle des Fêtes de Goûts-rossignol 40 years of Les Chanterelles group – 8.30 pm Traditional ball with the Philomèle.
  • Saturday November 19 : Beauregard and Bassac village hall – Ball with Anem trio
  • November 26 and 27 : La Doublerie in Saint Michel de Double – Traditional dance workshops and ball with the Balaboom group
  • Thursday December 1: At the MOP 21 rue Beranger in Périgueux – Jan de Mata producer of cacaus and chastignas our talks about his profession in the embedded dau talhier Occitan culture
  • Saturday December 10: La Chapelle Aubareil – Support ball for the 2023 Félibrée with the Peuch-deltheil’s trio
Saturday 10 December 2022 - Félibre 2023 support ball with the peuch-delteheil's trio at the Chapelle aubareil
Saturday 10 December 2022 – Félibre 2023 support ball with the peuch-delteheil’s trio at the Chapelle aubareil © Radio France
February 2023
  • Saturday 31 December : Saint Front de Pradoux village hall – Trad New Year’s Eve with the duo Peuch Deltheil and the trad guys. Reservations at or
New Year's Eve Trad' saint front de pradoux 31 december 2022
New Year’s Eve Trad’ saint front de pradoux 31 december 2022 © Radio France
Las belutas dau canto

Musical programming of the show

  1. Nadau / The enchanted
  2. Moizbat / Libertat
  3. Groove factory / Cau led you
  4. Massilia sound system / A cavalòt
  5. Brotto-lopez / Adiu miladiu
  6. Ueì / Ai mama
  7. Lou seriol / Darbon

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