“The man who planted trees”, animated film based on the work of Giono, in cine-concert in Normandy

On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, the Orchester Régional de Normandie is offering an original creation, the score of which has been entrusted to the composer Marc-Olivier Dupin. The man who planted treesan animated film inspired by the work of Giono, is thus available as a cine-concert.

On stage, there are five musicians: double bass player, accordionist, oboist, horn player or even harpist. They play as images from the animated film scroll across the big screen. A voice mingles with the notes of the Orchester Régional de Normandie. It is that of Fabrice Cals who reads the text of the short story by Jean Giono, written in 1953. A new exercise for the actor. “I have never played with musicians and a film at the same time. We will have to be well together, take breaths at the same time. It’s three universes to bring together”, he explains.

France 3 Normandy: S. Daniel / A. Guerard / V. Potel

The animated film by Canadian Frédéric Back, inspired by Giono’s text, was released in 1987. It won more than forty awards around the world, including the Oscar for best animated film. The graphics, reminiscent of impressionist paintings, contribute to the fame of the film. Its environmental message also contributes to its success. Because Jean Giono’s short story is avant-garde.

In this short story, the French writer tells the story of a shepherd who plants trees for nearly thirty-five years to fight against deforestation in his region. “It’s an ode to nature, a bit visionary because the author entered into ecological problems that today we are asking ourselves with climate change. Suddenly, he brings a solution through his character”, analyzes Fabrice Cals. “I find it very beautiful and full of hope”,concludes the actor.

The man who planted trees, film-concert version, will be presented to the public from November 8, 2022 to February 5, 2023, in six towns in Normandy. More details here.

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