Emmanuel Macron will meet Pope Francis and intends to seduce Catholics



France info

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Emmanuel Macron, who has been in Rome since Thursday, November 25, will meet Pope Francis to talk in particular about migrants. Anne Bourse, journalist at France Télévisions, is in duplex from Italy.

The issue of migrants should be raised on Friday, November 26, during the meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Pope Francis. “This meeting between the two men comes in the midst of a crisis. The Holy Father asks for a better welcome for migrants. The French President replied that ‘border control is the mission of the countries and not of the Pope’. For Emmanuel Macron, to let it happen would be to fuel the hardest nationalism “, reports the journalist of France Televisions from Rome (Italy) Thursday evening.

According to the Élysée, relations between the two men are good. “A meeting which takes place while the Church of France is going through a difficult period after the publication of the Sauvé report on pedophilia. Five months before the presidential election, the President of the Republic tries a seduction operation and he sends a signal to the Catholics from France. They voted 70% for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election in 2017 “, concludes the journalist.

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