Kate Middleton photographed naked without her knowledge, Prince William did an unthinkable thing

On September 8, Queen Elizabeth II breathed her last, enough to sadden the British people. Her Majesty’s son, Prince Charles, was then proclaimed roi. The opportunity for the journalist Christopher Andersen to trace the life of the new sovereign through a biography titled The King: The Life of Charles III, which will be released in bookstores on November 8, two months to the day after the death of the queen.

In this book, he returns in particular to a scandal which had struck the royal royal family at the time, in 2012: photos taken of Kate Middleton topless sunbathing by a swimming pool in Vaucluse were taken. “Discover the incredible shots of the future Queen of England as you have never seen her…and as you will never see her again!”, could we read in one of the magazine Closer a few days later.

“torrents of profanity”

“She can only blame herself! Kate Middleton is awesome but she shouldn’t sunbathe naked. Who wouldn’t take her picture to make a lot of money if she sunbathed like that”, then reacted Donald Trump on his Twitter account, he who a few years later became President of the United States. Words that would have provoked, according to Christopher Andersen, “torrents of profanityfrom Prince Charles and Prince William. Which, given their rank, is unthinkable.

Comments that would have even prompted the two men toto discourage” the American president to visit London after his election in 2017. Even if in 2018, Donald Trump explained that he had not gone to the English capital because he was “not a big fan of the Obama administration who cameof what was perhaps London’s best located and prettiest embassy for ‘peanuts'”.

Note that for this photo story, Prince William and Kate Middleton won “100,000 euros in damages, while the two photographers in question had been sentenced “to the same fine of 45,000 euros”.

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