40 years after the death of Jacques Tati, the village of Sainte-Sévère does not forget the filmmaker

“Celebration day” is one of his greatest films. And he chose the village of Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre to set up his cameras. Jacques Tati has had a profound impact on the history of this town in southern Boischaut. A refugee in the village during the Second World War, it is here that he imagined, wrote and shot his film. While this Friday, November 4 marks the 40th anniversary of his disappearance, locals remember the shooting of this iconic film.

“I attended the filmingrecalls Michelle. It was magical ! I was seven years old, so to see a tall man like that was incredible.”. Jean-Claude Laruelle was five years old at the time of filming in 1947. He had the chance to appear on screen. “I had a small role, I went to the carousel and I counted my money around the carouselsays the one who has always lived in the village. It’s a very good memory”.

Jean-Claude Laruelle also remembers the times when Jacques Tati returned to the village, in particular to screen the film. “When he came here, it was always an eventhe said. He recognized everyone, he was happy to come to Sainte-Sévère and we were happy to see him.”.

At the age of five, Jean-Claude Laruelle had a small role in Jacques Tati’s film.
© Corbis

Emeline Ferry

The filming had a profound impact on the town and memories are passed on. Jean-Claude watches the film regularly with his grandchildren: “They know it by heart, they have the posters, they are happy to see it!”.

A statue of the postman, the merry-go-round, the market place… Jacques Tati is everywhere in the village. “We are proud of it and we are doing everything we can to continue its work”, explains Mayor François Daugeron. To feast day house
close to 10,000 visitors come every year discover the reconstructed sets and the immersive show on video. “There are two types of visitorsnotes Annie, at the reception. There are those who know the film well and come to find the scenes, and then there are those who don’t know it at all and who leave enchanted, emotional, there are even some who cry”.


On the market square in Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre.
© Radio France

Emeline Ferry

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