THE REPLAY | Listen to Jean-Pierre Caillot’s interview on the occasion of the release of his autobiography

“It’s not just football”the autobiography of Jean-Pierre Caillot was released this Thursday, November 3 by Editions Hugo Sports. A book in which the president of the Stade de Reims tells his story
. He recounts of course his years of presidency, but not only. Over the course of some 300 pages, he evokes his personal and professional construction. Written in the first person singular, this book is constructed as a personal confession. His childhood, his relationship with his father, his student life which very quickly shifted towards the development of the Caillot transport company, his family and his friends. On his presidency, Jean-Pierre Caillot delivers many anecdotes, in the different periods, from the descent to the 3rd division, to the rise in Ligue 1 in 2012. The eras of Luis Fernandez, David Guion or more recently Oscar Garcia. This book is not a thumbs up. He also mentions the mistakes he may have made during his 20 years of presidency. He does not spare himself as if to recall that in the midst of moments of sporting success, his moments of joy, there have been much more painful periods.

Listen to the full interview of Jean-Pierre Caillot, Maxime Masson and Julien Lampin with Annelaure Labalette and Alexandre Audabram:


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