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Should a residence permit be created for jobs in short supply, such as construction or catering, which hire many undocumented workers? The measure is one of the avenues considered in the future immigration bill.
In the basement of a Parisian restaurant, B. to form in the kitchen. This young Malian is in an irregular situation, still waiting for papers. “It’s been eight months now, I don’t have an answer. I also asked for a vital card, (…) it’s complicated”he said. He could soon benefit from a specific “short-term occupation” residence permit. This device, wanted by the government, would make it possible to regularize more quickly the immigrants employed in the sectors in shortage of personnel.
A necessary reform according to the boss. “We we have the people who are on our doorstep, whom we often trained as miners. (…) These people will participate in the growth of the country, in the growth of our companies, so yes, we need them”believes Alain Fontaine, restaurateur. Impossible to know how many people will be affected by the new residence permit. It should apply to sectors in tension such as agricultural work, catering, hotels or construction. On the construction sites, 24,000 positions remain vacant on the papers. Only workers already present in the territory could be regularized. The exact conditions of the new residence permit will be debated in Parliament at the beginning of 2024.