Juventus-PSG, the pre-match with Michel Montana

Tonight, in 100% PSG, the magazine:

Evening guest: Michel Montana is the voice of the Parc des Princes, the announcer who makes the Park vibrate with each goal, with each announcement of the names of the players.

Evening talks:

Michel Montana stays with us in the studio throughout the show to tell us about his passion for PSG, he tells us about his meeting with PSG and his debut as a speaker. He shares with us his best and worst memories at the Parc as well as the players who impressed him the most. We’re also taking a trip to Turin, with our journalist Bruno Salomon before tonight’s match against Juventus.

Thierry Boeuf’s PSG Vintage:We go back in time in November 1978, the PSG is not in a great year: the club chained the defeats, it is the waltz of the coaches, Pierre Alonso, Jean Michel Larqué, Francis Borelli is looking for a new coach.

100% PSG, it is also a case which includes all the news of the club and all the meetings of France Bleu Paris: find every morning at 8:34 100% PSG, the ticket, every evening 100% PSG, the mag ‘at 6 p.m. and every Monday 100% PSG, the stand.

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