still no stadium for Roche-Saint-Genest before its 8th round

The French Football Cup, magic for amateur clubs… and the hassle, sometimes, to continue their adventure! Last club from the Loire department still in the running, Roche-Saint-Genest (Regional 2) is having a hard time finding an approved stadium to play its 8th round against Rodez (Ligue 2), the weekend of 19 and November 20.

While the French Football Federation awaits an answer for this Thursday noon maximum, the leaders of Roche-Saint-Genest hope to play their meeting at the Envol Stadium in Andrézieux. Problem, Andrézieux must play a late match of National 2 on his lawn the same weekend. Organizing two meetings in such a short period of time would create logistical constraints and could also damage the pitch. The leaders of Roche-Saint-Genest and Andrézieux leave until Thursday morning to find common ground … or not!

No reversal, Feurs as a fallback?

If no agreement is reached to play at the Envol Stadium in Andrézieux, this Coupe de France match will not be played in Rodez. No reversal. The Ligue 2 club has already found accommodation in the Saint-Etienne region and says it is ready to play on Saturday or Sunday.

The fallback solution could be near Feurs, about forty kilometers away. Forez leaders would be ready to organize this meeting at the Rousson stadium.

source site-37