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Tuesday November 1, 48 hours after his narrow defeat against Lula, Jair Bolsonaro has still not spoken. His supporters protest and block the roads. Since Monday, more than 250 roadblocks have paralyzed or disrupted traffic across the country.
Thousands of kilometers of traffic jams, all over the country. In Brazil, Tuesday, November 1, 271 dams block strategic axes, such as the road that connects Rio de Janeiro to São Paulo (Brazil). The method is simple, but effective: two trucks blocking the road, a few flags, and the anger of supporters of Jair Bolsonaro, after the close result of the ballot. “They rigged the elections, and rigged the ballot boxes”, a man gets angry.
Mason, lawyer or housewife, they are almost all evangelical and ready to do anything to keep their president. “We hope for an intervention of the army so that justice is restored”, says a Bolsonaro supporter. In the endless queues, motorists are as divided as the election results. “It’s anti-democratic. They have to accept the results like we did last time”, judges a man. During the day, the federal supreme court ordered the governors of each state to unblock the roads, by force if necessary.
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