Immigration: the standoff is hardening between France and the United Kingdom


France 2

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France and Great Britain have been accumulating areas of contention for several months. This time, it is the migration crisis that has whetted Boris Johnson’s provocative appetite for domestic political reasons. When he addresses Emmanuel Macron, he now does it on social networks.

The face-to-face between Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson is hardens each day. The last episode is a letter from the British Prime Minister addressed to the President of the Republic, in which he asks France to take back the migrants. “I propose that we put in place a bilateral readmission agreement to allow the return of all illegal migrants crossing the Channel”, he wrote.

The letter was posted on Twitter even before Emmanuel Macron did. take awareness. “There is no more trust”, says scathing the entourage of the French president. “I am surprised at the methods when they are not serious”, To denounced the President of the Republic. France does not want to stop there. Gerald Darmanin has decided to no longer invite the British Home Secretary to the meeting scheduled for Sunday November 28 in Calais (Pas-de-Calais) on the migrant file.


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