Gérald Darmanin “always speaks very loudly, but behind it does not do much”, deplores Edwige Diaz

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin “always speaks very loudly, but behind it does not do much”, laments Tuesday, November 1 on franceinfo the deputy National Rally of Gironde Edwige Diaz, after the anti-basin demonstrations which occurred in Deux-Sèvres last weekend. The elected RN accuses the Minister of the Interior of not having “nothing done to prevent installation” a marquee on site. She estimates that the 1,000 gendarmes who remained on the spot are “tested” and that they “will not be able to have fun being the guardians of the Zadistes”. “I fear new violence and above all I fear that these particularly radicalized people on the far left will decide to set up a ZAD”she says.

Edwige Diaz went there, on the side of the police, Saturday, October 29 and said to have seen there “very organized small groups”who “had their tents, their lampposts, their sound system”. The member of the National Rally is surprised “that there were only six arrests”. It therefore calls on the government to “dismantle these installations and challenge the black blocks”.

>> Environment: are there really eco-terrorists in France, as Gérald Darmanin suggests?

The RN deputy for Gironde wonders about the presence of “40 S files” at these places: “Why can’t we follow them? There was a failure”, she laments. If she refuses to take back the term “ecoterrorism” used by Gérald Darmanin, Edwige Diaz prefers to qualify these demonstrators as“eco-radicals” who “are against everything” : “They are vegan, they don’t want animals anymore, they are against butcheries”protests the elected representative of the far right.

Edwige Diaz is in favor of the project of water reserves for agricultural use in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres) which, according to her, falls under the “common sense” and aims to “ensure France’s food independence and sovereignty”. “If we cannot irrigate, we will not be able to cultivate and our only position will be the import of food products”, she justifies. This allows him to deduce that the bedpan project will respond to “the dramatic situation of farmers” who are facing “to unfair international competition because of free trade agreements”. “We are witnessing an aging population, many farmers live below the poverty line and unfortunately we are witnessing two farmer suicides a day” and “we are witnessing agribashing”list Edwige Diaz.

The RN deputy for Gironde certifies having “read a number of studies that say these basins are not going to pump a lot of water into groundwater”. She recalls that “These basins will collect excess rainwater that falls in winter for use in summer”. “It will of course be necessary to monitor the farmers so that there is no drift or pumping in the water tables”she pleads.

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