local residents exasperated by the occupation of the water reserve site



France 2

Article written by

L. Courte, P. Wursthorn, A. Alvarez – France 2

France Televisions

In Sainte-Soline, in Deux-Sèvres, on the site of the famous water reserve, hundreds of activists are still present, Monday, October 31. The dismantling of the installations would be in progress, by the authorities. After the violence of the weekend, how do the inhabitants live with the situation?

For several days, the 350 inhabitants of Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres) have seen their daily lives turned upside down. There are controls on every street corner and more than a thousand gendarmes are still mobilized there, Monday, October 31. “We are taken hostage. (…) We could not go out during the weekend”, laments a resident. Last weekend, clashes erupted between protesters and police. Concern is mounting among residents.

In a small housing estate a few kilometers from the basin under construction, a resident has not left her home for four days. Across the street, a young couple moved in just over a year ago. For them too, the situation becomes heavy. “I want them to be able to find common ground as quickly as possible because it’s not a livable situation”, says Pablo Stil, a resident of the village. A collective plans a next mobilization next Wednesday.

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