the Assembly votes 12 billion euros more, against the government

The National Assembly voted on Monday evening to add nearly 12 billion euros in credits for the thermal renovation of housing, left-wing amendments adopted to the chagrin of the government during the examination of the draft budget . The RN supported these environmentalist and PS amendments. Even if the government probably won’t hold them back in the final version of the budget, it is a new setback for the presidential camp deprived of an absolute majority in the Assembly.

The deputies adopted in quick succession an environmental amendment of 6.85 billion credits, then another socialist of an additional 5 billion euros, despite the calls of the macronists for the “responsibility”.

2,500 thermal colanders renovated

The oppositions have in particular crushed the balance sheet of “MaPrimeRénov”the renovation aid mechanism set up in 2020. EELV MP Eva Sas called for“go much further” in terms of “global renovation” housing. “You are not up to it”, she launched to the government. MaPrimeRenov’ is “very far from the objectives”with only “2,500 thermal colanders” renovated, pointed out LR Véronique Louwagie. The Minister for Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, pointed to a lack of “consistency” oppositions that add “billions of euros to a device which you tell us does not work”.

“You’re juggling billions”criticized in turn his colleague from the Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher. “Help us instead to build vocational training courses” in thermal renovation, because the “order books” specialized companies are “full”, she insisted. The general budget rapporteur, Jean-René Cazeneuve (Renaissance), criticized the left-wing Nupes coalition and the RN for “vote together” : “you applaud each other, I will never get used to it”.

The Court of Auditors recently issued a very severe report on the energy renovation policy for buildings: “There is a lack of strong and effective management and an efficient public support service”she lamented.

The government will most likely again resort to the constitutional weapon of 49.3 on this part of the budget and will have the possibility of rejecting these amendments.

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