Drought: the specifications of PDOs made more flexible in the face of climate change



Article written by

D.Sébastien, A.Domy, B.Parayre, F.Mazou – France 2

France Televisions

Drought disrupts farmers’ practices. It is therefore difficult to respect the strict specifications of thePDO. Some of them will thus obtain a derogation until the spring.

A lighter specification to deal with the consequences of a very difficult summer. In the Loire, Claude Boucher produces a goat cheese that has a protected designation of origin (PDO). Exceptionally, this year, the rules will therefore be less strict. There will be fewer grazing days and more supplemental feed from outside. “It’s good news. In the sector, we really suffered from the drought”says Claude Boucher, rigotte producer from Condrieu.

In July-August, when the fields were toasted by the sun, it was necessary to dip into the reserves of hay planned for the winter and buy to compensate outside the appellation area. Without the derogations, the family farm would have had to part with part of its livestock. “It allows us to keep the same volumes”is satisfied André Boucher, manager of the cheese dairy. For Clement Chayriguesmilk producer PDO Bleu des Causses, the derogation is also beneficial. These relaxations will remain in effect until next spring.

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