certain secondary residences soon to be surcharged



France 2

Article written by

C. Tixier, M. Arribe, V. Illiado, J. Dhib – France 2

France Televisions

After the property tax, the housing tax for second homes will in turn soar. In all, 5,000 municipalities will soon be able to introduce a surcharge. A measure to avoid housing problems and rising house prices.

In Roquebrune-Cap-Martin (Alpes-Maritimes), it is difficult to find accommodation these days. Prices are soaring and to recover rental properties, the town hall will increase the tax on second homes. This increase will be 40% to 60% next year. A decision approved Monday, October 31 by the inhabitants. “Since it’s not for living there, maybe it’s a bit normal that people pay a little more”, says a resident. But the owners feel aggrieved.

“We have saved a lot of money all our lives to have a little freedom and today we are being taxed on a home we have been saving for for years”, explains Jean-Luc Cléau, an owner. For the moment, 1,140 cities can apply this measure, but an amendment has just extended this to 5,000 municipalities. The objective is to recover this money to build housing for the inhabitants. “Maybe that will deter a few owners from going that route and get them back into the year-round rental market”comments Hervé Chérubini, mayor of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône), in favor of the measure.

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