After the mobilization, Saturday October 29 and Sunday October 30, against the mega-water reservoir of Sainte-Soline, Gérald Darmanin described the violence on the part of certain demonstrators as “ecoterrorism”.
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“Ecoterrorism”, the term creates controversy on the left. After the mobilization against the mega-water retention basin of Sainte-Soline in Deux-Sèvres, Gérald Darmanin will “ensure that no ZAD is built there”. The Minister of the Interior calls it“ecoterrorism” violence by some demonstrators over the weekend.
>> Anti-basins in Sainte-Soline: “It’s on track to last”, fear residents
This word makes Benoît Biteau, an environmentalist MEP mobilized against the mega-basin, jump. “I still have the taste of tear gas in the back of my throatgets angry the politician, who claims to have received a truncheon in the thigh in Sainte-Soline. It is unbearable because it is an inversion of values. The only people who have been aggressive are law enforcement.”
“I won’t go so far as to say that the police are terrorists, but they are the ones who gassed families, who beat up elected officials who wore the scarf of the Republic. It’s not the other way around!”
Benoît Biteau, EELV MEPat franceinfo
Critics abound from environmentalists. This comparison to terrorism is shocking, unconscious, even dangerous for some. According to the deputy Europe Écologie-Les Verts Charles Fournier, also on site on Saturday October 29, the Minister of the Interior is trying to create a diversion: “We have already had, in many demonstrations, overflows. And it was not simply demonstrations of environmentalists. “The more law enforcement you mobilize, the more the tension is likely to grow, notes the elected official of Indre-et-Loire. One can wonder if, finally, the film was not written a little before to discredit the movement, the subject on the bottom.
#Darmanin skids. After having deputies beaten, he threatens to send the GIGN and the Raid against the “eco-terrorists” in the fight against the #basins.
— Jean-Luc Melenchon (@JLMelenchon) October 30, 2022
Anger shared by the rebellious, also mobilized in Deux-Sèvres. “Darmanin skids”, denounces Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Twitter. Not enough to ease tensions between the left and the majority in the assembly.