EELV MP Lisa Belluco does not rule out the creation of a ZAD “if the State refuses any dialogue”

The deputy Europe Ecologie-Les Verts de la Vienne considers the violence of certain demonstrators inexcusable but denounces the terms used by Gérald Darmanin to describe the demonstrations.

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While Gérald Darmanin wants “that no ZAD (zone to defend) is set up” in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres) after two days of demonstration against the basins, Lisa Belluco, EELV deputy for Vienne, estimates this Monday on franceinfo that “if the State refuses any dialogue and continues to defend private interests to the detriment of the general interest, it will have to come to that”.

For the elected ecologist, the executive “accept the privatization of water for the interest of the few”aiming “agribusiness”the sole beneficiary of this mega water storage project, which it specifies will consist of “by pumping the water table in winter”. Lisa Belluco rejects the “fake” argument put forward by the defenders of bedpans, consisting in claiming that “the water tables would be at a very high level in winter”.

The Minister of the Interior also qualified the violence of this weekend “eco-terrorism”words “misused” according to the environmentalist, who calls for “not trivialize” this term “severe”. “It’s a dangerous mix”deplores Lisa Belluco, who was present in Sainte-Soline this weekend, and claims to have been “in a family and popular procession”, “very calm”. According to her, “when it started to get really tense, the huge majority of the procession backed off”.

If MP EELV recognizes that “ecological action is radical because it is about defending the fact of being able to survive on this earth”she judges “inexcusable” the violence of some of the demonstrators and calls for “not to be divided between ecologists”, while Yannick Jadot was insulted and his car was tagged by demonstrators. Lisa Belluco mainly denounces “state violence” of a government that “do not listen to people who defend access to water for all”a “fundamental freedom”.

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