Witnesses to the Seoul tragedy recount the horror



France 2

Article written by

D.Schlienger, H.Abdelkhalek, C.Rigeade, A.Miguet, V.Reynaud, L.Houel – France 2

France Televisions

In Seoul, South Korea, a crowd movement killed 153 people on Saturday, October 29. Many witnesses recount the speed with which events changed from a good-natured party to a tragedy.

On a video broadcast live on social networks, a French influencer films himself in the crowd in Seoul (South Korea), Saturday October 29. Jostled, manhandled and compressed, he took long minutes to get out of it. An illustration of the chaos that reigned in Seoul on Saturday evening. Among the 100,000 people who came to celebrate Halloween in a trendy district of the Korean city, many had to struggle to get by.

Like Victor Chan, a French survivor. “I was afraid to die. When I got pushed into that crowd, I tried to keep my balance. As I took a step, I felt that I was not touching the ground, but someone“, he testifies. From the floor of a bar, Clément Touzard, French expatriate, films frightened the round trips of the ambulances and the desperate efforts of the rescuers. “We couldn’t count the number of people practicing cardiac massage. Where it became worrying was when they stopped the massages and we saw the bodies that remained on the side, without medical help.“, he recalls.

Sunday evening in Seoul, tributes are multiplying at the scene of the tragedy.

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