in Kherson, “it is not about evacuations but about forced displacements of population”, according to an international security researcher

According to pro-Russian authorities, the evacuation of civilians from the occupied Kherson region has been completed.

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The pro-Russian leader of Crimea announced on Friday, October 28, that the evacuation of civilians from the Kherson region has been completed. The evacuation began on October 19 in this region of southern Ukraine which is occupied by Russia and which faces a Ukrainian offensive. “These are not evacuations but forced population displacements”clarified on franceinfo Julien Théron, researcher in conflicts and international security.

franceinfo: Are these population evacuations legal?

Julien Theron: No, moreover it is not a question of evacuations but of forced displacements of population, which is prohibited by public international law. An occupying power must submit to duties. For example, she has no right to move the local civilian population, she must allow their free movement. kyiv thus speaks of “deportation”.

What happens to displaced populations?

It’s hard to say. Some Ukrainian civilians have been moved to Russia, to Mariupol. What is to be feared is that the city of Kherson will become the scene of violent clashes. It is necessary to expect very hard fights, besides the losses are in increase on the two sides – more on the Russian side than Ukrainian. But an extremely tough battle is expected for both parties.

Is the Ukrainian army ready?

In terms of her motivation, yes she is. But as far as military equipment is concerned, the NATO countries must continue their efforts to support the Ukrainians, who are just in the process of reconquering their sovereign territory recognized by the United Nations.

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