Youth who engage

Youth are often attributed all sorts of qualifiers: we speak of the sacrificed generation, or of the couch generation or even of generation Z… But we speak less willingly of committed youth. However, this youth does indeed exist, and it is even they who are at the origin of the first movements to fight against global warming.

Climate, but also education, social inclusion, LGBT movement, health: nearly one in two young people volunteer their time within an association or other organization (political party, union).

How to get involved when you are young and which structure to turn to if you want to? What forms can this commitment take, when one is a student or even still in high school? Is today’s youth more united than that of yesterday?

To address these issues, Geraldine Mayr receives Lea Moukanas, who created the Aïda association to help young people affected by cancer when she was only 16 years old. She just posted I want to be useful published by Robert Laffont. She tells us about her journey, and in particular the obstacles she encountered in creating her association, but she also shares her enthusiasm with us. It shows that getting involved from an early age is possible, and brings invaluable wealth to society and to oneself.

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