which countries, like France, have decided to close their borders without delay

Faced with the appearance of a new worrying variant in South Africa, B.1.1.529, and while the number of Covid-19 cases has exploded in France for ten days, the government, which has announced new measures to counter the epidemic on Thursday, decided to suspend flights from southern Africa on Friday, November 26. THE’South Africa, but also Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Eswatini are affected by this suspension. “immediate”, who will last “at least 48 hours”, according to the Minister of Health. Other countries in Europe, which have once again become the global epicenter of the pandemic, have already taken the same measures to close their borders without delay and Brussels will suggest that all member states do the same.

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“The European Commission will propose, in close coordination with the Member States, to activate the emergency brake to interrupt air travel from the southern African region”, its president, Ursula von der Leyen, tweeted Friday morning. The EU executive is due to make a proposal to the representatives of the Twenty-Seven at a meeting scheduled for Friday.

The variant B.1.1.529 has a number “extremely high” mutations and “we can see that it has a potential for very rapid spread”, said virologist Tulio de Oliveira, at an online press conference hosted by the South African Department of Health. At this stage, South African scientists are unsure of the effectiveness of existing vaccines against this new form of the virus.

Franceinfo takes stock of the border closures in Europe to prevent the spread of this new variant, but also on other continents (such as Morocco, Singapore or New Zealand) which fear an epidemic resumption.

The United Kingdom

As of Friday noon (1 p.m. in France), travelers from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe and Botswana will no longer be able to travel to the United Kingdom. Like France, the British government has issued an entry ban on its territory to travelers from these six African countries..


In the wake of the UK, Germany has also decided to close its borders to foreign travelers from South Africa and “probably neighboring countries”, German outgoing Health Minister Jens Spahn announced on Friday. This rule applies from Friday evening and only German citizens will be allowed to re-enter the country, respecting a 14-day quarantine, even if they are vaccinated.

“The last thing we need now is the introduction of a new variant which is causing even more problems.”, explained the minister. Some German hospitals are saturated and the debate around a compulsory vaccination for all in Germany, as the Austrian neighbor has just decided, is on the table.


Likewise in Italy, anyone who has stayed in southern Africa “in the last 14 days” is prohibited from entering the territory announced, Friday, the Minister of Transalpine Health, Roberto Speranza, citing “maximum precaution” facing the new variant of Covid-19. The countries affected by this measure are South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Eswatini.


In the city-state of Southeast Asia, any entry or transit will be refused to travelers from South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe, from Sunday, the health ministry said.

This ban applies to non-citizens and travelers who do not have a permanent residence permit in Singapore. As for Singaporeans and permanent residents, they will still be able to enter the country but will have to comply with a strict ten-day quarantine.

The Morocco

The Moroccan authorities have decided to stop all regular flights between France and Morocco, due to the epidemic resumption in France. Initially scheduled for Friday, the closure of the borders between the two countries will be effective from Sunday midnight in order to “facilitate the return operation of Moroccan citizens and foreigners residing in Morocco”, informed the interministerial committee for the coordination and monitoring of the system governing international travel during the pandemic.

From now on, in addition to the mandatory health pass and a negative PCR test on arrival in Morocco, travelers will go through a double check carried out using thermal cameras and electronic thermometers and by antigenic tests. All passengers coming from so-called “B list” countries, namely France, several countries of the European Union as well as the United Kingdom, Algeria and Tunisia will be tested. If the result is positive, the traveler will be returned immediately to his country of origin, at the expense of the air or sea transport company, with the exception of permanent residents in Morocco.

Last month, Moroccan authorities had already suspended flights to and from Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Russia because of the evolving health situation in these four countries.

New Zealand

The New Zealand government announced on Wednesday that it will not reopen its borders to foreign travelers until the end of April 2022. The decision is made in when the archipelago is gradually relaxing the measures for international arrivals, so far among the strictest in the world. New Zealand recently announced a change in its strategy to fight Covid-19, dropping the “zero Covid” target and instead deciding to contain the Delta variant.

Until the end of April for foreign travelers, New Zealanders stranded in Australia will be able to return from mid-January and those from the rest of the world will have to wait until February.

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