Emmanuel Macron announces additional resources

Emmanuel Macron received this Friday at the Elysée the civil security actors mobilized this summer against forest fires to thank them and announce measures to strengthen the fight against these fires in the future.

More than 72,000 hectares have been ravaged this summer. 2022 is a record year linked to global warming. 50 departments were affected by a fire.

“Gathering you here is first of all to say thank you and to tell you the support of the Nation and the French people”declared Emmanuel Macron in front of the 300 firefighters, civil security personnel, volunteers, gendarmes, police officers, and elected officials gathered at the Elysee Palace.

Faced with the increased risk of fires, “i_l we need to think of a new strategy, better prevent fires, strengthen the means of fight, and reforest and sustainably manage our forests”, specified Emmanuel Macron before announcing additional resources to fight forest fires.

Better prevent fires

In front of all the actors mobilized during the summer fires, the President of the Republic announced that an inventory of the forests and their maintenance would be carried out, to better prevent the risk of fires.

“We are going to strengthen the legal obligations of clearing”, announced the Head of State_, “We must review the texts, do a job of simplification, strengthen controls. We must redefine everyone’s responsibilities. The State must also play its part by clearing brush along the SNCF lines” . _

A communication campaign will be launched before the summer of 2023 to remind owners who have a house on the edge of the forest of their obligation to clear brush.

A “weather” map of the forests

Emmanuel Macron announced the establishment of a national forest fire hazard map like what is done for heat wave alerts or beach weather, in order to improve fire prevention.

72,000 hectares of forest burned this summer. This is six times more than a traditional season. This is likely to happen again in the future given global warming. A national forest fire risk map will be an awareness tool.

150 million euros for firefighters

Emmanuel Macron announced an envelope of 150 million euros intended for the departmental intervention and rescue services (Sdis) so that they can buy firefighting equipment.

Forest fires having affected more departments than usual, it is necessary to adapt the means. It is also necessary to replace the equipment that was destroyed or damaged this summer during the forest fires.

On human resources, Emmanuel Macron detailed a plan to support volunteering in the SDIS. “In particular, we must extend the period during which companies can release their volunteer firefighters,” said the head of state.

Modernization of the firefighting air fleet

The President of the Republic announced an order for 16 Canadairs to replace the 12 current aircraft. “We have 12 Canadairs today. We are going to order 16 new Canadairs. We are also going to mobilize Europe so that we can have a real industrial strategy and reopen a chain of excellence”, explained Emmanuel Macron.

“From next year, we will rent 10 helicopters instead of two and we will also buy two,” he added.

This represents an investment of 250 million euros, including 35 million invested from 2023. The first orders will be placed this year.

Reforest the forest

Emmanuel Macron has set himself the goal of “replant 1 billion trees in 10 years”. But it will be necessary to reforest otherwise. “We must adapt our forests to climate change. In the medium term, we must achieve more diverse forests”he specified.

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