Lynda Lemay victim of a “very disabling” disease, the same disorder as Celine Dion…

After several years away from the stage, Lynda Lemay is determined to make her comeback on stage. His French tour will start next November. A bigger challenge than expected for the 56-year-old artist whose health has recently played tricks. HAS Closerthe singer admitted that while she was full of good will and energy to find her audience, her body was not always of the same opinion: “The desire is intact. My inner flame burns brightly. I dare more every day and my way of presenting myself to the public has not aged. I deploy my energy in shows of 3 hours minimum. Unfortunately, I no longer have the same physical strength.”

Lynda Lemay suffers from “tubal open bite, “a disease of the Eustachian tube that connects the nose to the ears.” This disorder, which Celine Dion also experienced, is not trivial for an artist since it causes symptoms that are quite confusing to go on stage: “Dizziness and dizziness are disabling” she says. However, out of the question for her to give up: “As long as I can perform the show, I give it my all. Then I will find another means of expression…

For the time being, her body does not prevent her from disposing of it as she sees fit. The artist even admits practicing flying trapeze, a high-flying discipline that she adores: “[Ça] requires extreme concentration in order not to take too great a risk. It’s a stronger emotion than a motorcycle launched at full speed because it is a psychological test. This exhilarating sport puts you in competition with yourself. Give everything, that’s what I love!“Lynda Lemay will not abandon her French public (and the whole world for that matter) right away, especially since this reunion is a rebirth for her:”A burnout and then the pandemic forced me to take a break. But I kept the thirst to write and share. I perfected myself on the piano. I needed this daring project to make a big comeback.“We have no doubt that Lynda will shine.

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