Antisemitic comments | Kanye West says he lost $2 billion in one day

(Los Angeles) Kanye West said on Thursday he lost two billion dollars in one day, the repercussions of the cascading withdrawals of companies – Adidas, Gap – cutting ties after the series of anti-Semitic remarks by the American artist.

Posted at 5:47 p.m.

France Media Agency

“I lost two billion dollars in a single day, and I’m still alive,” he wrote on Instagram.

“I still love you, God still loves you, it’s not the money that defines me, it’s the people,” the rapper added, in a post “loved” by nearly 1.5 million people.

The one who is also called Ye has seen for a few days major brands break their juicy contracts with him in order to show that they disapprove of his anti-Semitic remarks.

After already several months of degraded relations, Adidas announced on Tuesday the “immediate end” of the partnership with Ye, long one of the most successful in the fashion world.

“Adidas does not tolerate anti-Semitism or any other form of hate speech”, had justified the German equipment manufacturer in a press release. A few hours later, the American ready-to-wear chain Gap announced its similar decision, a week after the breakup announced by the fashion house Balenciaga.

The message posted by Kanye West on Thursday on Instagram seems to be addressed to Ari Emanuel, a boss of a Californian show-business agency who had called on all companies collaborating with him to cut their ties.

Kanye West, who says he suffers from bipolar disorder, was suspended from Twitter after tweeting that he was going to attack Jews in a post that the social network has since deleted for violating its rules. He had also been temporarily suspended from Instagram.

The rapper appeared in early October wearing a t-shirt with the slogan “White Lives Matter” crossed out during a fashion show in Paris. This slogan, used by the American far right, diverts the name of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, which campaigns against racism against African-Americans.

On Wednesday, Ye was escorted from an office at sneaker brand Skechers on Wednesday, the company said.

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