the site will only list “professionals referenced by the health authorities”


France 2

Article written by

L. Feuerstein, S. Broyet, A. Lévêque – France 2

France Televisions

Doctolib has decided to exclude naturopaths, sophrologists and hypnotherapists from its platform. They will have six months to find another solution.

Doctolib is cleaning up: 5,700 so-called well-being practitioners will be fired. A few months ago, after an initial controversy, the site had removed 17 ads from naturopaths. These specialists with dangerous practices said they were particularly close to the theses of Irène Grosjean, a 92-year-old woman who is anti-traditional medicine and anti-vaccines. She had been filmed by the son of a patient, whom she had convinced to stop his anti-cancer treatment.

According to Doctolib, naturopaths, sophrologists and hypnotherapists will no longer be able to use the site’s services. They will have six months to find another solution. “We have decided to refocus exclusively on professionals referenced by the health authorities”, Stanislas Niox, president of Doctolib, told AFP on Wednesday, October 26. If these well-being activities are generally legal, the platform recalls that they are not supervised.

source site-14