“Was there a negotiation of shame?” Gérald Darmanin asks LFI to explain the motion of censure voted with the RN

“I would like Jean-Luc Mélenchon to solemnly answer a simple question: was there a backyard negotiation, was there a negotiation of shame between insubordinate France and the National Rally to pass an acceptable motion of no confidence?asked the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin Thursday, October 27 on France Inter.

Gérald Darmanin ensures that “in the corridors of the Assembly”, “many people say” just one sentence about immigration “has been removed from the text of the motion of censure” so that the RN can vote on it. Earlier, Thursday, the environmentalist MEP Yannick Jadot, MEP EELV, assured on France Inter also that there had been no arrangement between the Nupes and the RN. A statement that is, according to Gérald Darmanin, “not a frank and massive no”even if the Minister of the Interior“does not believe that environmentalists are mixed up” to the political maneuvers of which he accuses Insoumis and deputies of the National Rally.

Addressing France Insoumise once again, the Minister of the Interior insisted: “Have you negotiated with the National Rally?” According to him, if this fact is true, “that would mean that rebellious France is ready for anything”. “That she is ready for anything out of wickedness, disorder, cynicism”he adds, using the terms of Emmanuel Macron, the day before on France 2.

The vice-president of the rebellious group in the National Assembly replied to him this Thursday morning on Twitter: “Simple answer: No. And you know it. So the cynic causing the mess is you.”

Gérald Darmanin is nevertheless convinced, he says, that “Marine Le Pen and Jean Luc Mélenchon talk to each other to try to bring down the government”. The Minister of the Interior sees “a betrayal” LFI voters. “The conglomerate of the left, Nupes is decomposing visibly”he judges, considering that “When one is sincerely communist, socialist or ecologist, one cannot accept the petty negotiations of rebellious France”.

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