Sexual violence | No aggressor, no victim

Sex Offending Services Are Part of the Solution

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

Stephanie Leduc

Stephanie Leduc
Executive Director of the Group of Stakeholders in Sexual Assault (RIMAS)

The phenomenon of sexual assault is a worrying problem in our society. The social movement #metoo has given a voice to the victims of this violence and has helped to highlight this devastating phenomenon.

In the wake of this collective awareness, several changes have taken place. The government assistance granted has been significantly increased and targeted actions have been put forward. The media are also more interested in this reality and many reports, investigative articles and documentaries have been produced, including very recently children’s collectorsby Paul Arcand, on cyberpedophilia in Quebec.

Yes, it is possible to prevent

The Sexual Assault Stakeholders Group (RIMAS) includes more than 250 sex offender specialists, both in terms of clinical intervention and research.

For us, it is important to let people know that there have been resources for more than 30 years all over Quebec offering specialized services in sexual offending.

Different treatment programs that meet the diverse needs of perpetrators of sexual assault are offered in several regions of Quebec.

We strongly believe that it is important to talk about these services. On the one hand, in order to contribute to reassuring the victims that their denunciation is heard and that actions are deployed. On the other hand, so that individuals who are afraid to take action know that help is available. Pretending that aid does not exist is therefore harmful.

Annually, nearly 1,300 individuals request specialized follow-up in sexual offending from the various organizations offering community services in Quebec. The scientific literature reports that perpetrators of sexual offenses who have access to our services reduce their risk of recidivism by 40%. We also learn that the vast majority of people who have committed an act of a pedophilic nature do not have a circumscribed and lasting sexual interest in children and that exclusive sexual attraction to children is an exception rather than ‘a ruler.

In short, services for perpetrators are essential in the fight against sexual violence. If there is no perpetrator, there is no victim.

The will is there

The network for prevention, evaluation and intervention in sexual delinquency in Quebec has received the support of the various ministries concerned with the issue of sexual violence in recent years. In the Integrated Government Strategy to Counter Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence and Rebuilding Trust 2022-2027, several actions demonstrate the government’s willingness to recognize the importance of the work done with perpetrators of sexual violence. Twelve of the fifty-eight actions chosen will have direct or indirect impacts on potential perpetrators.

This will represents an important step in the right direction.

In the field, however, the issues are the same as in many other sectors, particularly in terms of recruiting and retaining qualified labour.

The services exist. We now need the stakeholders to ensure its deployment.

Note, however, that although there is still work to be done and improvements to be made, the current situation is better than that of five years ago. And we will continue to make every effort to actively contribute to the fight against sexual violence.

Because one victim is always one victim too many.

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