Anne-Sophe Lapix in danger on France 2? Delphine Ernotte conveys a very clear message

Should Anne-Sophie Lapix fear for her place on France 2? Rumors have been swirling lately. Unfounded and erroneous information that Delphine Ernotte denied in person. And to put an end to it, the president of France Télévisions chose to speak on the subject before the Commission for Cultural Affairs of the National Assembly.

This Wednesday, October 26, 2022, Delphine Ernotte announced that she is “very happy to have Anne-Sophie Lapix at 8 p.m.“. Openly displayed support for the presenter of the 8 p.m. news on weekdays after a union claimed that Anne-Sophie Lapix could be pushed out. Delphine Ernotte continues her support by adding that the television news that the journalist offers every evening to the French “has never been so high“.

The day before, the SNJ (National Union of Journalists) of France Télévisions had mentioned “departures announced behind the scenes“at 8 p.m. on France 2,”especially“that of Anne-Sophie Lapix.”The Elysée would not want her, as we wrote a few months ago? Some executives of the info would now be ready to give satisfaction to the power“, says the union, while Alexandre Kara replaced Laurent Guimier as director of information for the public group in early October.

I did not read the leaflet in question, I read a poor rotten article from Here who managed to pit against each other, the three queens of France Télévisions“against each other, continued Delphine Ernotte, citing Anne-Sophie Lapix, Léa Salamé (at the helm of what time !) and Caroline Roux. This article reported today by the president of France Télévisions dates back to last week…

During the presidential campaign, voices within the editorial staff of France Télévisions had denounced the fact that Emmanuel Macron was shunning the public group. However, since then, the Head of State has been the first guest of The event (show presented by Caroline Roux), in not one but two issues, October 12 and this Wednesday.

The question of the 2023 budget was also raised by Delphine Ernotte, due to the abolition of the TV license fee announced last summer. Following this decision by the government, the financing of public broadcasting is ensured until the end of 2024 by a share levied on VAT, before finding a permanent system. For 2023, the allocation for public broadcasting amounts to 3.8 billion euros, including 2.4 billion for France Télévisions (+1% compared to 2022). “It doesn’t cover inflation at all.“, indicated Delphine Ernotte, who says she must”find 45 million“.

The president of France Télévisions pleaded for the future budget to be known “as quickly as possible“, in order to “to have predictability for 2024“and after, pointing out that the Paris 2024 Olympics would entail expenses.”With a constant mission, we cannot continue to reduce staff and budgets“, she concluded, recalling that the group was coming out of “10 years of social plan and 5 years of drastic savings“.

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